Bachmann Collectors Club

Welcome back!

You'll have noticed we have changed the place a little while you were away. We hope you like it.

A few things to check before you continue

  • To login with your current membership please enter the same email address you used to originally register in the box below and then click Request password reset. 
  • Make sure you have immediate access to your email inbox. The reset link we will send to you has a 30 minute lifetime from the time it is sent. Don't worry if you cannot get to use the link within that time - just use password reset at a more convenient time to you.

Why we are asking you to reset your password

The previous incarnation of the Bachmann Collectors Club website stored your password in an encrypted format for security. Your new password will be encrypted - only you will know it. Please use a minimum of 8 characters, any combination of letters and numbers, and we recommend you make it unique. You can then login with your new password, job done!